*Buyrunuz programdaki olay şöyle:
“What’s the point of the meat?” DeGeneres, who’s vegan, asked.
“Well, it is certainly no disrespect to anyone that is vegan or vegetarian,” Gaga responded. “As you know, I am the most judgment free human being on the earth. However, it has many interpretations but for me... if we don’t stand up for what we believe in and if we don’t fight for our rights pretty soon we’re going to have as much rights as the meat on our bones.”
Oh and by the way, Gaga added, she's “not a piece of meat.”
DeGeneres, ever the problem-solver, had a solution for Gaga: A bikini made out of veggies.
But DeGeneres also added on her website that Gaga's get-up did make her think twice about the other animal products one wears in the name of fashion.
"Now, I love Lady Gaga, but as someone who also loves animals, it was really difficult for me to sit next to Lady Gaga while she was wearing that outfit," she wrote. "But it did make me ask myself, what's the difference between her outfit and an outfit made of leather?"
*CNNEntertainment'tan alıntıdır.
İngilizce bilmeyen okurlara kısa özet: Lady GaGa hayvan katli vs.ye bağlayıp yine de popülist, komik birkaç kelam edip, "veganları kırdıysak da affola" diye ekleyip kendinden konuşturmuş yine. Ellen DeGeneres'i ise bu durum düşüncelere gark ettirmiş. Ellen Hanım evine gidip bloguna, "Başta Lady GaGa yanımda o et-elbise ile otururken midem kalktı ama düşündüm ki, ha et giymişsin ha deriden elbise, ikisi de ölü hayvan.." yazmış ve aslında düşününce çok da absürd olmayan bir düşünce geliştirmiş. Ayrıca programda Ellen, Lady GaGa'ya sebzeden bikini vermiş (bkz. foto), ha ha ilahi Ellen, bu arada Beyaz bence Türkiye'nin Conan O'Brien'ı değil de Ellen'ı olabilir.
meraklısına not: PETA da olaya sinirlenmiş.